Sunday, February 14, 2010

For ME?

Ok, so for a single gal who doesn't do Valentine's I was shocked when Vickie gave me 3 pair of earring she made for me! So the whole story was that her husband thought I needed them to go with my new haircut! For people who know Vickie we're blessed by her life and servitude. For those who don't know Vickie, well you're missing a rare creation of God's grace!
I'm blessed to have her in my SS class and to have spent time with her in the past few years. She's silently battled breast cancer twice and is now battling a secondary cancer that has metastasized to one of her vertebrate. But that's not stopping her from going to work, coming to church, going to events, and I dare say it will ever stop her!
Let me just say how lucky I am to know her and even luckier that she not only thought about giving me a gift....but she worked hard to make this gift, which I'll treasure always!

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