Monday, January 11, 2010

Bad Blood Twice Removed

I had blood work done today. When I got there the nurse said, "You're having a lot of test run. Look at all these we have to fill." It was about 8 or 9 viles. She examined my left arm and decided the vein wasn't good enough; she proceed to check my right and was satisfied enough to proceed. At the half way point she told me we were half way there, so I asked her something, sort of small talk, though now I can't seem to remember what I asked...hence the blood work for one of my symptoms of memory loss. Well at that point she says, "where did my vein go?" Then she was rooting around for the vein and she asked if I was o.k. and she proceeds to tell me that she'll have to stick me in the vein she didn't like that was in my left arm. So I got stuck in NOT 1 but both arms today.

I pray they find whatever connections these symptoms have. I'm going crazy not being able to spell, or remember what just happened or didn't happen.

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