Sunday, January 24, 2010

For ONLY 1 Cat

Litter for Multiple Cats has been a common "selling" feature for several years now. It's the big bag that I've bought for years. Just the other day I was changing the litter when it hit me that I no longer have "multiple" cats.
I never set out to be a "CRAZY CAT LADY" but still had my childhood cat
and one that was born in Mom & Dad's garage while I was in college. But a single woman with 2 cats does qualify as a crazy cat lady in most people's eyes....but at least I'm not dressing up a dog which seems crazier than owning cats!
Anyway life does require a little adjustment when you've lost a cat that lived to be almost 19 years old. I guess blogging about it just makes the case for crazy cat lady stronger!

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