Sunday, January 17, 2010

What that they say about cats and water?

I had to dip Greyson tonight. I'd tried flea shampoo a few weeks ago, but it didn't work. I tried to buy dip from the vet, but was told to use Advantage. It worked, but I was hoping to eliminate the fleas all together and they came back, so I dipped her and am hoping that will take car of them. I waited until the weather wasn't so cold, but she still was shivering. I wrapped her in a towel and tried to absorb all I could, but she was still shivering, so I thought--I've cause trauma already--GO all the way! YEP, I used the blow dryer. She didn't like the noise, but she liked the warmth. I couldn't hold her and fluff her to take full advantage of the blow dryer, so she was still damp and apparently upset with me since she didn't sleep in my bed, but instead went to sleep on the loveseat in the den. When I got up the next morning, I was worried she was dead since she still hadn't come back in the room. She was curled up on a blanket on the loveseat.

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