Sunday, January 3, 2010

Every other Sunday

Every other weekend we drop off and pick E up at El Chico. This year he left Christmas Day and spent the rest of year at his dad's. He finally got to come home tonight. Before he left he got to open gifts from Santa but forgot to check his stocking. We carried it to him so he could check out his goodies!!
Sonja told him to make sure to c
ome hungry and he guessed that we were going to Red Lobster. He loves crab legs and could eat his weight in them, mostly because Sonja has to crack them and he just has to eat them! He was pretty sneaky and whispered in the server's ear that it was Sonja's birthday, so she got free cheese cake. I'm going to have to get better at this picture thing- cause I don't have pictures of crab legs or cheese cake or those who devoured them!!

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